Group Dog Training

Welcome to K9 Academy's Group Dog Training program in Toronto. 

We offer comprehensive dog classes in Toronto, designed to transform your dog's behaviour and strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion. Our approach is unique, and we prioritize achieving visible results from day one.

Program Overview

*New clients must complete the Beginner Level One Obedience Class before they are eligible for subsequent classes.
Some exceptions will be made for clients who have previously trained with an approved trainer.

Our group classes are vastly different from your typical obedience classes. Not only do we provide visible results for every dog in the very first class, but we also teach you how to clearly and consistently communicate with your dog so they know to listen, no matter the situation. 

When people first see us, their dogs are often pulling on the leash and unable to pay attention in the presence of other dogs and distractions. Recall is inconsistent. Many struggle with reactivity on leash.

If your dog is struggling with any of these issues (even if you’ve worked with other trainers), this is the program for you.


6 Weeks | $525, plus tax

In this course we cover:

  • Loose leash Walking (walking in a Heel Position)

  • Mild Reactivity

  • Marker Foundations and Basic Obedience

  • Managing Distractions

  • Handler Engagement

  • Recall

  • Basic Behaviour Modification and Q&A

Great for dogs who display leash walking issues, mild reactivity, and stubbornness.

(Your dog has to pass the LEVEL 1 test to enter our LEVEL 2 OFF-LEASH Program.)

UPCOMING CLASSES: Level One: Beginner Obedience

  • Wednesday April 9 at 8pm

  • Saturday April 26 at 10am


6 Weeks + Test | $525, plus tax


In this course we cover:

  • E-Collar training, off-leash recall

  • Building motivation & excitement in obedience

  • Off-leash obedience in a distracting environment

  • Intro to off-leash heel

  • ‘Down’, ‘Sit’, and ‘Stand’ in motion

Class includes 5 Sessions at our facility, 1 Off-leash Graduation Hike and 1 Advanced Test.

Great for dogs who are looking to sharpen their recall and achieve reliable off-leash obedience.

E Collars are NOT included in package price. These must be purchased separately before class begins.

*Must have passed Beginner Level One or the Beginner Assessment (video above)

UPCOMING CLASSES: Level Two: Advanced Obedience

  • Saturday April 26 at 1pm


12 Weeks | $525, plus tax


*Must have received a score of 40 or higher on their Level Two: Advanced Obedience test (video above) to be eligible to attend Elite Obedience.

In this course we cover:

  • Focused off-leash heel, Power Heel (i.e. Head up when heeling)

  • Send-outs and retrieves

  • Increasing drive in obedience

  • Long-distance position changes

  • Scent Search and Indication

  • Random Object Retrieval and Food Retrieval

  • Jumps, A-Frame and Environmental Pressure

  • Includes an IMPOSSIBLE test

Please Note: As of March 1, our prices will be increasing.

Let’s Connect

Not sure if this training program is the
best fit for you and your dog?

Fill out the form below to receive a FREE
evaluation from our canine behavioural specialists.